About Jacqueline 

In her younger days Dr. Jacqueline Nubé  studied music in Alkmaar, Cologne and Zürich and worked for many years as a pianist and pedagogue at home and abroad.

After that, she went into science and studied Music, Clinical Psychology and Philosophy at Amsterdam University where she obtained her PhD. under supervision of Prof. Dr. Johan Hoogstraten on research into the effects of drugs on sensitivity and emotionality.  She was among the first scientists ever to discuss openly the frequent use of  beta blockers against stage-fright amongst musicians and wrote several ground-breaking articles for leading national and international journals. She also gave lectures and workshops at home and abroad, as well as interviews on national television. She had received international recognition through publication of her scientific work in the health encyclopedia of the ILO/Unesco at Geneva .

Although next to her musical interests her life now went into a scientific direction, people have always been and always will be the focus of her attention. She understood that it was necessary to look “further”. She immersed herself for many years to obtain a deeper understanding and knowledge of complementary medicine in all its facets, meaning many courses, trainings, and workshops at home as well as abroad on e.g. homeopathy, ortho-molecular nutrition, electro-acupuncture, contemplative psychology, resonance therapy and functional medicine.  It was above all Prof. Dr. Med. Dr. Dent. H.W. Schimmel, a truly visionary doctor and scientist who influenced and broadened profoundly her view concerning health and decease of body and mind . 

Because Jacqueline was already interested  as a youngster in philosophical and  spiritual matters she decided to attend  training courses at the National Federation of Spiritual Healers and obtained her credentials as spiritual healer. Her mediumistic gifts were immediately noticed. Especially the well-known english medium Joyce Frey, her friend and mentor, challenged and helped Jacqueline to unfold her gifts by accompanying her with care on her spiritual pathway during many years. She gave her the trust and confidence to go on in her own special and unique way. 

Today, Dr. Jacqueline Nubé  combines in a unique way scientific understanding, sensitivity, spirituality and para-normal knowledge.


Dr. Jacqueline Nubé

E-mail: liennube@gmail.com