Wetenschappelijke Artikelen:

Beta Blockers: Effects on Performing Musicians
In: Medical Problems of Performing Artists, 6, (2), 61-69. 1991.

Podiumangst bij uitvoerend musici (Stage fright of Performing Musicians)
In: Nederlands Tijdschrift voor de Psychologie, 49. (2), 71-77. 1994.

Beta Blockers and Musical Perception
In: Society for research in Psychology of Music and Musical Education, 22, (2), 174-177. 1994.

Time – Series Analyses of the Effects of Propanolol on Pianistic Performance. 
In: Medical Problems of Performing Artists, 9, (3), 77-78, 1994.

Survey on the use of Beta Blockers among Dutch Performing Musicians, 1994.



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